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Microsoft, Google and Facebook Updates in Current Marketing Trends

Written by Danielle Landero | 8/24/17 5:41 AM

Have you been keeping up with the latest in current marketing trends? Here are the tech updates that kicked off the second half of the year:


Microsoft Website App-dates

Microsoft just made ASP.NET Core 2.0 available to everyone. This latest version provides new ways to write applications and simplifies some processes in the management of a production application. Overall, it makes it easier to build and monitor web apps, improves performance, and it supports the new Razor Pages user interface design paradigm.

Though you will need to update your project’s target framework to use this, the ASP.NET Core 2.0 includes major improvements to the application that makes it easier to use, and is the fastest version yet with support across Windows, Mac, and Linux.

ASP.NET is a free, open source server-side web application framework for creating dynamic websites, applications, and online services.

Google Web Ad Penalties

It’s a given that most digital ads are intrusive. On mobile-responsive websites, however, where such ads can hog the entire screen, they can be worse still. In addition to being an obstacle to accessing your site, these ads reduce page speed and overall website performance—sure ways to lose customers.

Consistent with its preference for user experience over advertising, Google has been clearing the top SERPs of pages weighed down by ads. While this has actually been happening since the start of the year, its true impact has only recently become apparent. Advertisers and website owners dependent on ads need not despair, though: running ads is still a viable strategy, as long as they don’t cause significant drops in user experience.


Facebook Prioritizes Fast-loading Websites

Facebook is changing its News Feed algorithm yet again, this time to prioritize web pages that load quickly. This means Facebook is more likely to show people articles on pages that load quickly on mobile, letting them spend more time reading. The update will take a few months to fully roll out, but could take a toll on businesses.

It’s uncertain just how much this will limit referral traffic to slow websites, so business leaders would do well to optimize their page speed as soon as possible or take advantage of alternatives that focus on mobile (e.g. AMP). Facebook’s strategy is similar to Google’s early 2016 update that showcases the importance of SEO and social media’s role in the success of a business’ website and digital presence.

While SEO and social media play a big part in the success of your digital marketing strategy, it all starts with your business website. Can you say that your website optimized for all these changes? If not, we can give you a hand. Schedule a free consultation with us: